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Linux releases

linuxslacker's picture

been a while since i posted so… heres a few releases that has happened lately

Mad Max was released for linux

had a few hours in it and its a fun game that seems to run quite well

Deus ex Manking divided released for linux
runs like crap but great fun. since i like to 100pct games like this i have already spent 10 hours exploring and only done like the 1st main mission. the reviews say the main story is way too short and will be finished with DLC. theres also a pay to win thing too but hey its deus ex on linux YAY.

New humble bundle has the Culling and the Mean Greens and Killing floor

the culling is kinda like hunger games except someone actually does something(honestly hunger games sucked battle royale was way better). killing floor is an awesome wave based zombie killing game. the mean greens looks like it could make a good fun event game. theres other windows only games but who cares about them :) all for 10 bucks(top tier)

Warhammer 40k for linux

warhammer 40k is out also. havent played much yet but seems to run ok


n0mad's picture

Nice and s0und w0rks 0ut 0f the b0x t00

Mad Max awsum game a little bit rinse & repeat but al0t 0f fun.
Deus Ex very liner map wise but many ways t0 play a little stealth & little run and gun.
Killing Floor awsum game really fun multiplayer never played myself but watched al0t.
The Culling was fun until the dev ran.
The Mean Green l00ks k00l
Warhammer is always fun with friends my hand painted blue guys are s0mewhere in this h0use.

Finally Shadow Complex Remastered l00ks like a great side scroller dunn0 but wine sh0uld be 100% by n0w

Linuxslacker link f0r u 0n n0w ab0ve

linuxslacker's picture

oh i forgot

black mesa was also released as a beta. runs ok here and is awesome playing hl1 with updated graphics

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